We are here to support

We believe we can make a difference
Raphoe Family Resource Centre CLG was established in 1995. It was originally known as the Raphoe Youth and Community Project, rooted in the local authority housing estate of Meadowhill. In 2001, the project was well developed, and the voluntary committee decided to explore mechanisms for sustainability. The project was accepted into the Family and Community Services Resource Centre Programme and received its first 3-year contract in early 2002.
We Educate
Raphoe FRC believes everyone deserves the opportunity to achieve their full potential in all areas of learning and development.
We Help
There is no wrong door in the FRC. We are here to help on any issue that is affecting family and community life.
The FRC provides a signposting or referral service to other organisations that maybe more skilled to meet you or your family needs.
We Nourish
The FRC is dedicated to building on the strengths and positves of family life, providing that extra little bit of support when needed.

We Educate
Raphoe FRC believes everyone deserves the opportunity to achieve their full potential in all areas of learning and development.

We Help
There is no wrong door in the FRC. We are here to help on any issue that is affecting family and community life.
The FRC provides a signposting or referral service to other organisations that maybe more skilled to meet you or your family needs.

We Nourish
The FRC is dedicated to building on the strengths and positves of family life, providing that extra little bit of support when needed.

Raphoe Notes